Friday, October 28, 2016


 Morroco inagonjwa katika sekta zote, raia wake wanaishi katika umaskini wa kutupwa,  kimaadili imefilisika imebakia kuwa ngome ya ukahaba, ikisheheni makahaba kwa maelfu



Mfalme Mohammed VI wa Morroco amemaliza ziara yake rasmi nchini Tanzania.  Pamoja na mambo mengine serikali ya Rabat imeahidi kujenga Msikiti mkubwa jijini Dar es Salaam pia kujenga uwanja wa kisasa wa michezo ndani ya Dodoma.

Kwa bahati mbaya upeo wa siasa za nje za Morroco zimesheheni ufinyu, upofu na ziko mbali na tareekh yake  tukufu.

Morroco kama zilivyo nchi nyingi za ulimwengu wa Kiislamu kilichobakia kwao ni kuficha uovu na dhulma zake nyuma ya amma kujifanya kusimamia misikiti au kujenga mipya.  Katika Uislamu nafasi ya msikiti ni kuliinua juu neno la Allah Ta’ala:
﴿فِي بُيُوتٍ أَذِنَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ وَيُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ فِيهَا بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ
“Katika nyumba ambazo Allah ameamrisha zitukuzwe,na humo litajwe jina lake, wanamtakasa humo asubuhi na jioni”  (TMQ 24:36)
Basi, vipi dola ijenge msikiti ilhali inaendelea kutawala kwa ukafiri?
Jee  Mfalme Hassan II, (baba) na mtangulizi wa mfalme wa sasa hakujenga msikiti mkubwa ndani ya Casablanca  (Morroco), msikiti  wa 13 kwa ukubwa duniani, wenye mnara mrefu kuliko msikiti wowote, akawekeza kiwango  kikubwa cha rasilmali na juhudi isiyo na mithali kwa miaka saba.  Jee baada ya hapo nini kilifuatia?  Jee Morroco na ulimwengu wa Kiislamu ulikomboka na kuhuwika kutokana na mporomoko na idhilali? 
Morroco inagonjwa katika sekta zote, raia wake wanaishi katika umaskini wa kutupwa,  kimaadili imefilisika imebakia kuwa ngome ya ukahaba, ikisheheni makahaba kwa maelfu, nchi iliyowahi kuwa chem chemu ya elimu na ustaarabu, ikiwa na Chuo Kikuu kikongwe zaidi duniani, Chuo Kikuu cha Al-Qarawiyyin, lakini inashindwa hata kujiamini kutumia lugha ya kiarabu katika elimu ya juu. Huku ni kujivika udhalili kwa kiasi gani ? Bila ya kutaja kushiriki kwa serikali ya Rabat katika vita ya ugaidi (Uislamu) kwa niaba ya Marekani na mataifa ya Magharibi, vita ambavyo pia vinahatarisha maisha ya raia wake yenyewe.
Basi lini Morroco itajivua guo la upofu wa tareekh yake na tareekh ya Kiislamu kwa ujumla? Ni ardhi iliyoupokea Uislamu uliowaunganisha raia, kisha kwa uimara wa hali ya juu ikaibeba bendera ya (Uislamu) ikawa chanzo cha ukombozi kwa Waislamu na wanadamu kwa jumla. Kiasi kwamba hata wasiokuwa Waislamu walikuja kutaka msaada kutokana na dhulma na ukandamizaji wa watawala wao. Kama vile wakaazi wa Spain akiwemo mwana wa nyumba
 tukufu (nobleman Visigoth) , Julian, Count of Ceuta, walipowahamasisha Waislamu kuifungua ardhi ya Iberia (Spain na Ureno) kutokana na  madhila na dhulma za Mfalme Roderic. Miongoni mwa ushenzi wa mfalme huyo ni  kumbaka binti wa Julian.

Kwa kupitia ardhi hii, ikafunguliwa Spain chini ya Jemadari Tariq bin Ziad. Basi ukilinganisha tareekh hii  tukufu na hali ya leo, ni umbali wa mbingu na ardhi !

Lau Morroco ingeng’anga’na na tareekh yake tukufu, ingekuwa imeshakomboa kwa Uislamu ardhi zilizobakia Kusini ya mbali zaidi mwa Jangwa la Sahara, lakini wapi ! imekumbatia ubepari ulioigubika upofu wa tareekh yake tukufu, kilichobakia kwao ni kuhangaika kulinda utawala wao tete na kujaza matumbo yao. Kwa hakika, mageuzi ya kimsingi ya Kiislamu yanahitajika ili kuirejesha tena tareekh yetu.

Masoud Msellem
Mwakilishi Kwa Vyombo vya Habari
 Hizb ut Tahrir Tanzania

Press Release
Morocco Blindness of its Past and Future
King Mohammed VI of Morocco has completed his official visit to Tanzania. Among other things, Rabat has promised constructing an ultra-modern mosque in Dar es Salaam and a modern stadium in Dodoma.

Unfortunately, Rabat’s foreign policy scope has a full of shallowness, blindness distant away from her glorious history.

Morocco, like all Muslim lands, has nothing left to it except concealing its evils and injustices behind either pretending to manage or build new mosques. The role of the mosque is to elevate the word of Allah Ta'ala:
﴿فِي بُيُوتٍ أَذِنَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ وَيُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ فِيهَا بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ
“In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them; there glorify Him therein in the mornings and the evenings.” [an-Nur: 36]
Then, how can the state build the mosque while prevails in ruling by disbelief?
Didn’t King Hassan II, predecessor of the current king build a large mosque at Casablanca, the 13th largest mosque in the world, with the tallest minaret than any mosque in the world, exhausting massive resources and efforts of seven years. What came next? Did Morocco and the Muslim world revive and rise from decline and humiliation?
Morocco is suffering in all aspects, its people live below the poverty line, morally bankrupted by becoming a sexual heaven with thousands of prostitutes, a country once a cradle of knowledge and civilization having the world oldest University of Al-Qarawiyyin; does not have the confidence to use the Arabic language at University level. What sort of self-imposed humiliation is this? Not to mention Rabat’s role in the ‘war of terrorism’ on behalf of the US and Western nations, that also endangers the lives of its own citizens.
When will Morocco remove the cloak of blindness of its history, and its Islamic history in general? It is a land that accepted Islam which unified the masses, then became systematic standard-bearers and a source of redemption for Muslims and mankind. Even non-Muslims sought assistance from the oppression of their rulers. As residents of Spain including Visigoth nobleman, Julian (Count of Ceuta) encouraged Muslims to open Iberia due to the sufferings and injustice of King Roderic. Among them was Roderic’s rape of Julian’s daughter.
Through this land, Spain was opened under Tariq bin Ziad. In contrast this glorious history, and today’s situation, is far between the earth and heaven!

Should Morocco stick with its glorious history, it should have liberated the rest of far South Saharan Desert by Islam, instead it embraced capitalism that blindfolded it from its glorious history, rushing only to safeguard their fragile rule and filling their stomachs. Obviously, radical Islamic change is needed to repeat our history.
Masoud Msellem
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Tanzania

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